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  • MFO Changelog from 0.5e to 0.76DateSat Aug 13, 2016 11:33 pm


    - Towers use fortified armour now, but base armour is reduced drastically
    - all heroes require ~ 20% more experience to level up from level 3 onwards
    - tier 2 / tier 3 hall experience bonus for heroes lowered to 10%/20% from 15/30%
    - increased all main hall teching times by 20% except for Orc
    - tree hitpoints doubled
    - new upkeep system: low - medium - high upkeep
    * low upkeep kicks in at 30 supply, consuming 20% of the collected Gold
    * medium upkeep kicks in at 60 supply, consuming 40% of the collected Gold
    * high upkeep kicks in at 90 upkeep now, consuming 60% of the collected Gold
    * max Food level increased to 110


    - lowered Drunken brawler crit rate to 2x damage and 10/15/20% chance, lowered evasion to 5/10/15%
    - Panda Breath of Fire damage to 50/90/130 from 50/100/150. Ignition damage raised to 10/20/30 from 7/14/21. Mana cost increased to 90 from 70
    - Firelord Incinerate passive again
    - Increased Pit Lord armour by 1
    - new neutral Hero: Ogre Geomancer, a tanky spellcaster hero with earth/fire based spells.
    1) Earth shock: cancels channeling abilities, deals initial damage and damage over time, slows movement and attackspeed.
    2) Molten Boulder: target an area to throw a ball of magma towards it. All nearby units are burned and the boulder explodes at the target location, dealing damage to all units
    3) Stone Skin: auto cast skill, the targeted units receives less damage from attacks
    4) Elemental fury: channeling area spell, erupts boulders from the ground that explode into smaller ones, dealing damage to all units beneath.
    - Beast Master Bear summon manacost to 100 from 125


    - removed bloodelf references, replaced Priest with Cleric, Sorceress with Sorceror and Spellbreaker with
    Conjurer (new unit):
    1) Glyph of Wisdom: summons a longlasting glyph that detects stealthed units and provides sight of the area
    2) Molten Armour: lowers the amount of spells/magic damage taken by 15%, grants a 1.5x damage critical strike chance of 10%
    3) Word of Power: Auto cast that applies a long-lasting silence on enemy units

    - replaced Bloodmage with Elementalist: Flamestrike, Banish, Siphon Mana, Summon Fire Elemental (new ultimate, melee blocker ultimate with immolation, similar to Infernal)
    - increased Storm Bolt manacost to 90 from 75
    - Storm Bolt duration to 4s (2s hero) from 5s(3s)
    - lowered bash chance to 15%/25%/35% from 20%/30%/40%
    - lowered Avatar bonus health to 300 from 500
    - increased Holy Light manacost to 75 from 65
    - reworked Divine Shield: now can shield any allied unit for 4/6/8s. Cooldown increased to 12s.
    - increased Devotion aura armour bonus to 2/3.5/5 from 1.5/3/4.5
    - increased footmen damage to 13-14 from 12-13
    - lowered Siege Tank hitpoints to 50 from 700, lowered base armour to 1 from 2. lowered armour bonus to +1 instead of +2
    - lowered Riflemen health to 520 from 535
    - new tech: Mithrilcore shells, increase the damage dealt to medium armour for Riflemen by 50% for the duration of the ability (10s)
    - lowered Knight health to 800 from 835
    - lowered Guard Tower health to 400 from 500, 1 fortified armour instead of 5 heavy armour, halved attackspeed but doubled the damage done per arrow
    - lowered militia duration to 35s from 45s
    - lowered farm hitpoints to 350 from 500
    - lowered Siege Tank armour to 1 from 2, increased cost to XXX
    - new hero: Windwarrior, agility hero based off Gryphon Rider. Abilities:
    1) Mighty Gust - pushes back all units in front of the Windwarrior, lowering their movementspeed and chance to hit
    2) Thunderhammers: throws a magical hammer on attacking that splits up into a thunderbolt upon hitting the target. Deals additional damage to nearby surrounding enemy units
    3) Skywrath Aura - A protective shield that has a chance to cast a lightning bolt when an affected unit is attacked.
    4) (placeholder) Reincarnation - revives the hero


    - lowered Blademaster critical strike damage to 1.5x/2.25x/3x instead of 2x/3x/4x more damage
    - lowered Blademaster windwalk duration to 10s/15s/20s from 20s/35s/50s, transition time to 1s from 0.6s, increased mana cost to 100
    - Mirror Image now creates 2/2/2 illusions. At level 2 and 3 they deal 25%/50% of the Blademasters damage to enemy units. Mana cost lowered to 100 from 125, cooldown increased to 15s from 3s
    - increased Far Seer spirit wolf hiptoints to 230 from 200, changed armourtype to medium from heavy
    - lowered Chainlightning Manacost to 110 from 120
    - lowered healing wave to heal 120/195/270 instead of 135/215/330, increased cooldown to 11s from 9s
    - lowered Hex duration to 3/4/5 from 4/5/6s for heroes
    - lowered serpent ward manacost to 25 from 30, lowered cooldown to 5s from 6.5s
    - New hero: Warchief, exceptional at leading Orcish troops into battle. Abilities:
    1) Path of Honour; debuff duration for all nearby units is decreased
    2) Mighty Throw: throws a hammer at the target, dealing damage and slowing attackspeed and movementspeed
    3) Windfury: increases attackspeed and damage significantly for a period of time
    4) Blood for Blood: nearby units give back damage when attacked
    - Raider + 1 armour
    - Grunts receive a new tech: Pounding Axes, gives them a chance to deal bonus damage and smash the attacked unit's armour. Deals damage over time and lowers their armour by 2.
    - troll headhunter hitpoints from 350 to 380 (berserkers remain unchanged)
    - troll headhunters profit from the venomous spears upgrade
    - Tauren Totem available at tier 2; Spirit Walkers moved to Totem. Tauren Warriors require tier 3 still
    - Ancestral Spirit manacost to 200 from 250
    - lowered purge manacost to 60 from 75
    - lowered liquid fire damage bonus to 4 from 8
    - new unit: Troll Voodoo Priest, anti magic caster. Can use Voodoo Charm which makes units more resistant against magic. Can also learn Spirit Ward and Big Bad Curse.
    - lowered Guard Tower health to 400 from 500, 1 fortified armour instead of 5 heavy armour; halved attackspeed but doubled the damage done per arrow, improved defenses increase the tower attackspeed by 25%, give 2 bonus armour and +200 hitpoints instead of changing armour to fortified
    - new hero: Spirit Hunter (ranged Int hero)


    - Druid of the Claw form armour medium (from heavy)
    - Archer hitpoints to 270 (from 245)
    - Dryad Hitpoints to 465 (from 435), cost to 170g/60l


    - Carpenter lumber gathering rate doubled (2 per hit instead of 1)
    - farms provide 15 food now, removed food bonus from Energy Core
    New base defense mechanics:
    * Renamed Energy Core to Sentry Core, now has 800 hitpoints / 3 heavy armour
    - constantly generates and stores energy and distributes it to Arcane Patrollers nearby
    - Arcane Patrollers can be trained from the Sentry core. The Patrollers permanently consume energy that has to be recharged. Whenever a Patroller runs out of power, the Patroller shuts down and can no longer move or attack. To activate it again it needs to be recharged with a Power Core (Item that can be bought in the Shop). Alternatively it's possible to build a Sentry Core next to it to recharge the Patroller.

    - Reworked Winged Serpent, renamed to Dragonhawk Rider. Can use Arcane Slivers on attack that deal area damage and add 25% received damage from magic and spells to the affected units.
    - renamed Vindicator to Spellbreaker, added Spellsteal and Feedback to it.
    - Sunstrider requires Sun's Pride Monastery now
    - lowered Windweaver and Defender hitpoints

    Fel Orc:

    - New gameplay mechanic : Fountain of Blood:

    The fountain of Blood is now a vital part of the Fel Orc race. He costs 200g now and can be built after an Altar of Chaos. When finished, it feeds on Fel Orc units causing damage and killing enemy units. The stored power can be used to heal Fel Orc units. Furthermore, the Chaos transformation takes place on the fountain, you can order your units to drink from the Fountain and make them gain demonic strength, resulting in chaos damage and the unit becoming a demon (damageable by holy light and/or healed by Death Coil).

    - Renamed Mainhalls to Hellfire Outpost, Hellfire Fortification, Hellfire Citadel
    - Renamed Mosher to Berserker, lowered Hitpoints to 600 from 850, increased damage to 15-27
    - lowered Marauder hitpoints to 460 (from 550), tweaked damage, increased base speed to 320
    - renamed Rogue Shaman to Earthbreaker, new abilities (initiate - adept - master)
    1) Ruined Earthfury - autocast, applies a debuff to enemy units, lowering their damage and attackspeed
    2) Noxious Cyclone - summons a slowly moving Cyclone that damages all enemy units in range by 1% of their base hitpoints and slow them by 60%. Also deals considerable damage to buildings
    3) Tainted Elemental Wrath - applies a damage buff to your own units, granting melee units splash damage
    - Necrolyte new abilities (initiate - adept - master)
    1) Unholy Power - adds bonus armour to the unit and adds the "Demon" classification
    2) Death Pact - can heal "demon" classified units or damage living ones
    3) Unholy Army - summons skeletal Orcs from corpses
    - Slayer Cultist require Hellfire Fortification; new ability:
    1) Demonic Shock: Dispels buffs and deals damage to summons; if target is an enemy it is silenced and takes damage
    - Shredder requires Hellfire Citadel
    - Taskmaster role now "heavy melee" tier 3 unit. Increased damage to 27-34, attackspeed 1.9

    - Reworked Heroes:
    - Enforcer:
    1) Ensnare - snare a target to the ground
    2) Killing Command - increases damage for all surrounding units at the cost of armour
    3) The Great Hunt - increases movementspeed. Affected units can feast off enemy units, restoring health with each attack
    4) ???

    - War Chief, renamed to Blademaster:
    1) Fierce Leap - leaps into combat, knocking enemy units away and deals damage to them.
    2) Amok - slashes through enemy units surrounding the blademaster, dealing damage and lowering their armour
    3) Frenzy - upon attacking, the blademaster can enter a frenzy state, increasing his attackspeed significantly
    4) Demonic Infusion - transforms the Blademaster into a demonic form with more hitpoints and chaos damage

    - Bladewind Fayde, renamed to Cultist Fayde:

    1) Crippling Arrows - attacks slow enemy units and lower their damage
    2) Shield of Despair - applies a shield that reflects damage
    3) Shadow Walk - ???
    4) Shroud of the Occult - shields all nearby units, making them immune to magic damage and spells

    Warlock: New model, new abilities:
    1) Fel Flames - cone shaped area damage spell.
    2) Drain Life - continually drains hitpoints from a target enemy.
    3) Life Tap - sacrifices life to regain mana.
    4) Rain of Destruction - channels destructive forces. Summons Chaos Meteors from the sky that damage and slow everything on the map

  • [0.5Beta]Changelog (from 0.3 onwards)DateTue Dec 01, 2015 12:56 am
    Topic by DarcReaver. Forum: Changelog

    o.5 Changelog (work-in-progress)


    - fixed various typing errors and missing description (not completely finished) (0.5e)
    - improved overall game performance (I hope to improve the game performance by something along 50% or so, even with all the new stuff added to the maps) (0.5a)
    - fixed wrong amount of Mana and health on upgraded vindicators (250 -> 400 mana, 820 -> 650 health) (0.5e)
    - fixed Winged Serpents getting 1000 effective hitpoints from Manashield, lowered to 500 as intended (0.5e)
    - fixed Divine Shield effect popping up on every unit (0.5e)
    - fixed units stuck on some occasions (hopefully) (0.5e)


    - added quite a few new spell effects for abilities
    - added new icons for abilities
    - removed some unnecessary eye candy which made the gameplay blurry
    - lowered some unit sizes for better viewability
    - updated some animations for certain units

    Game Design:

    There have been quite a few changes so far, and I actually went further to work on the existing standard races (read: add new content). Namely, each race got a 5th hero to choose from.

    Human: Crusader - a tanky knight who can charge enemy units and improve his combat performance with frenzy. Pretty much an alternative to the Mountain King, with less unit nuke power but more overall damage output.
    Orcs: Ogre Geomancer - a tanky strength hero with various earth based area damage spells and support abilities.
    Undead: Plague Phantom - an agility, assassin type hero who can slow enemy units and deal high single target damage.
    Nightelves: Grove Enchantress - ranged intelligence hero with a variety of healing and summon spells. Currently not entirely finished.

    The idea behind this is to give existing races new ways to play their game. All old races will most likely receive a few additional units in the near futures. Currently I'm collecting ideas for them from old balancing topics, forum posts, shoutcasts etc. Time will tell what's coming, but yea, we'll see.



    - reworked Paladin Divine Shield ability: now is a target spell that creates invulnerability around the target unit, lasting 8/12/16 seconds for units and 4/6/8 seconds on heroes. 10 seconds cooldown, 75 mana cost, 500 cast range.
    - Human Guard Towers now have 400 hitpoints (from 500), 1 Fortified armour (from 5 heavy)



    - reworked main halls: Arcane Monastery - Sindorei Monastery - Sun's Pride Monastery. Applied new visuals to them.
    - Carpenters harvest lumber now 2 times as efficient as before
    - new building: Ambassador Workshop - produces Bloodelf mechanical units (see below) and their respective upgrades aswell as serving as lumber dropoff point. Produces Ballistae, Arcane Guardians and Arcane Construct
    - reworked defensive Towers:
    * Sentry Tower no longer fires bouncing missiles and has no critical strike anymore (unnecessary since the Arcane Patroller ability addition).
    * Arcane Tower uses new missiles and model, more in line with other buildings/effects.
    - reworked Arcane Guardian: Now it's an arcane-mechanical golem with decent attack and hitpoints, just like it was intended to be. Trained in Ambassador Workshop. Can learn Arcane Sight (stealth detection) and overcharge (deals waves of damage to nearby units but also damages itself in the process).
    - new unit: Arcane Construct - a long range siege cannon. Cannot attack while moving and has to be deployed to shoot. Requires Sun's Pride Monastery [t3]
    - new unit: Farstrider Scout - an Archer mounted on a hawk. A very mobile ranged air unit that can be used for harassing enemy units. Can learn Shackling Shots which ensnare enemy air units to the ground. Requires Shackling Shot upgrade. Trained in garrison, requires Forge and Sindorei Monastery [t2].
    - new ability: Arcane Patrollers - Arcane Monasteries and upgrades can summon Arcane Guardians for base defense. Each Guardian lasts 65 seconds, maximum depends on teching level. t1 - 3, t2 - 4, t3 - 5 total.
    - reworked mana shields. Now most Bloodelf units have larger mana pools, but lower basic hitpoints. Total "health" remains the same though
    - reshuffled/reworked some spellcaster abilities:
    - Pyromancer removed
    - Sunseekers Ignite is now basic spell, 2nd ability Conflagrate, 3rd ability Warmth
    - Duskblade Summoner: updated Art files. Replaced Dark Strength with Soul torrent; drains mana from the target unit, deals magic damage to it and replenishes mana nearby the caster.
    - Bloodknight: removed prayer, replaced with Seal of Retribution, adjusted stats to work as regular skill. New ultimate: Judgment of Light - deals waves of holy energies to the target location, healing allies and dealing damage to enemies.


    - tweaked Avenger's Shield: now repels 50% of the attackdamage dealt. Grants 5 bonus armour and reduces incoming damage by 30% (from only effect of deflecting 33% damage)
    - tweaked Sunstrider:
    * Lowered damage output by 25%, increased lumber cost slightly. Now requires Sindorei Monastery [t2] (from Sun's Pride [t3])
    * increased damage from Searing Arrows to 15 (from 10), fire can now kill units
    - tweaked Conflagrate to last 5/2 seconds for units/heroes (from 8/3)
    - lowered Winged Serpents damage output. They now can only hit 2 units in 300 area instead of 3 units in 450 area. Tweaked health. Increased Arcane Splittering mana cost to 100 (from 75)
    - removed Sunwell Ring
    - removed Void Staff, replaced with Wand of Illusions (120g). Provides up to 3 illusions of units/heroes.
    - increased Carpenter cost to 70g (from 65), doubled Carpenter lumber gathering rate (hits tree 5 times for +10 lumber per trip)
    - lowered Forge cost to 100g/60w (from 100/100)
    - lowered Farm cost to 100g/30w (from 120g/30w)
    - tweaked some details here and there
    - Battle Training grants 3 bonus damage to Farstrider Scouts and Windweavers

    Fel Orc


    - removed blight from fel orc buildings
    - all Fel Orc buildings start off with 2 fortified armour now. Defensive Measures adds 2 with each upgrade level.
    - Fel Orc Peons renamed to Peon Slaves
    - new base defense mechanic: Peon Slaves can become disgruntled, increasing size, speed and damage significantly to deal with intruders
    - new building sizes for Armoury, Cultist Circle and shop building
    - Black Dragon Roost is buildable with Dimension portal now
    - reworked Dragons available to Fel Orcs - Black Drake and Black Dragon instead of Black Dragons only.
    * Black Drakes can breathe fire on enemy air units, dealing massive area damage to them. Can be upgraded to attack ground units with fire. They can be mounted by Marauders to create Swifters.
    * Black Dragons are a heavily armoured air unit that can attack enemy ground units and ignite the ground. Cannot be mounted
    - Removed Endless Rage from Moshers (too much raw damage potential). Instead they get a new passive ability: Bloodfrenzy - Whenever their health drops below a certain percentage the unit enrages, increasing attackspeed and movementspeed significantly.
    - all Fel Orc units regenerate normally now instead of blight only. Regeneration rate is quite low, but can be increased with demonic blood.
    - Black Valkyrie rework: Renamed to Blackhand Fayde. Has entirely new skillset: Shadow walk (replaces Black Wuju), Curse of Affliction (replaces Cripple), Chaotic Lightning (new ability, replaces passive) and Doom (which is a placeholder for another ability I'm working on. But the new ability will be very similar)
    - farms no longer serve as drop off for lumber; lowered their cost and buildtime massively, but now only give 6 food instead of 10
    - various smaller stats changes that will be noticed ingame
    - Kodo Beastmasters get a new ability: trample. Charges into enemy units. Requires a tech. Tweaked Battle drums efficiency
    - new unit: Taskmaster - can be trained in Shredder. Has abilities to buff nearby melee units. Is very resistant to enemy attacks
    - reworked Orc spellcasters:
    * Rogue Shaman uses new skillset: Tainted Element (autocast) -> Ruined Earth (channeling)-> Toxic Cyclone (channeling). Tainted Element grants bonus damage and cleaving attacks for melee units. Ruined Earth creates fissures on the ground which deal damage to nearby units. Toxic Cyclone: Creates a defiled cyclone in the target area, which damages and slows enemy units.
    * Warlock uses tweaked skillset**: Demonic Purge (autocast) -> unholy power -> Curse of Sargeras
    - Eredar Warlock: new ability - Nethershock, deals damage over time to all units in the target area.
    - Enforcer - New ultimate**: The great hunt. Increases movementspeed of all nearby units. Ridden units (marauders) can move through enemy units to deal extra damage. (work in progress, not implemented yet)
    - removed Hellbournes from the faction

    ** work in progress, might receive some changes still


    - Lowered Killing Command damage output slightly, instead the ability scales with duration
    - demonic Blood requres Dimension Portal
    - lowered Slayer Cultist damage slightly, removed base armour
    - moved Slayer Cultists to Cultist Circle. Require Demon Portal now.
    - lowered base attack speed for War Chief and Enforcer by ~25%
    - tweaked movement speed from most units
    - changed Battle Drums to provide +30% movementspeed and +15% attack from +20% movement and +40% attack.
    - lowered Curse of Sargeras armour reduction to -2 (from -3) and movement reduction from 40% to 30%
    - lowered Combat Stance armour bonus to + 2/3 (from + 3/5)
    - lowered Rotten Ancestor damage to 15-18 (from 17-21)
    - increased Mana cost for Unholy army to 150 (from 125), lowered duration slightly to spawn less Skeletal Orcs; removed Plague from Skeletal Orcs
    - increased Mana cost for Unholy Power to 175 (from 100)
    - lowered Bloodfiend/Fel Guard/Berserker hitpoints to 190/250/310 (from 230/290/370)


    - lowered Blademaster Critical Strike damage multiplier to 1.5/2.25/3 (from 2/3/4)
    - increased Windwalk mana cost to 85 (from 75), backstab damage to 30/65/80 from 40/70/100. Reduced movement bonus to 10/30/50% from 10/40/70%
    - Healing Wave amount healed reduced to 120/195/270 (from 130/215/300), increased cooldown to 11s (from 9)
    - lowered Hex duration on heroes to 3/4/5s from (4/5/6s)
    - increased Feral Spirit mana cost to 85 (from 75) but also increased Wolf hitpoints to 230 on lvl 1
    - Tauren Totem buildable in t2, Spirit Walkers are moved to it**
    - lowered Ancestral Spirit (the revive ability for Tauren/Spiritwalkers) to 200 mana (from 250)
    - lowered Shaman Purge manacost to 60 (from 75)

    ** work in progress, might receive some changes still


    - Demon Hunter Mana Burn cooldown increased by 1s; now burns 40-80-120 instead of 50-100-150 mana on each use.
    - Increased amount of Treants spawned by Force of Nature to 3/4/5 instead of 2/3/4
    - Natures' Blessing (building armour ability) now uses 2 upgrade levels in t1 and t2 instead of t2 only, with t1 providing 40% of the full bonus and t2 giving the other 60. The upgrade total cost is increased by 25% compared to the single tech solution.
    - Moon Glaives requirement t3 replaced by t2**

    ** work in progress, might receive some changes still


    - Panda breath of fire: lowered basic damage to 50/90/130 (from 65/125/165), increased the burning damage over time from 7/14/21 to 10/20/30 (overall, this is a slight buff, as the total damage increases. But this makes usage of healing scrolls against Panda easier)

    I'd also like to point out the new bugs-topic in the balance discussions:
    0.5b buglist


    - Wand of Lightning Shield now is a lvl 3 charged item drop (from level 2).
    - replaced some lvl 2 permanent drop spots with lvl 2 charged drops (so, there are less claws of attack dropping)
    (Reasoning behind this: getting multiple claws of attack leads to ridiculous attackdamage bonuses on several heroes, Blademaster, Demon Hunter, Lich, to name a few. I have no idea why Blizzard went ahead and changed ALL item drops to drop lvl 2 permanent instead of just making Lightning Shield Wands lvl 3 drops to remove the imbalance vs. Human eco. I will rework the Burning Crusade maps with the upcoming version release to reflect this. Most likely there will be shared/ mixed item sets for permant and charged items to give a chance of getting both)


    Forgotten Pools:
    - natural Centaur camps changed to Centaur Drudges x2 + Centaur Sorcerers
    - 2nd naturals stay the same
    - removed Centaur Outrunner from nearby creep camps
    - tweaked items given away from those spots

    Keep in mind to keep me up 2 date!

    updated 29/11/2015

  • [0.5b] BuglistDateWed Nov 25, 2015 12:41 am

    Hello everyone,

    as usual the buglist. I've already done a quickfix on two missing icons and a spell that wasn't checked by teching.

    Bugs that will be fixed in 0.5c :

    1) Taskmaster 'Battle Position' ability after upgrade will be casted on ANY units, including neutral (and enemy units). The basic, non upgrade ability however is not affected. For now it's advised to simply not upgrade the ability. the +2 armour bonus from the upgrade isn't THAT important anyways. ;)
    2) Bloodelf Pyromancers Warmth and Ignite share the same base ability. This will lead to a crash whenever they try to autocast ignite once they have Warmth. Will be fixed in the next version. Until then just make sure that you only put ignite on autocast. This CAN happen, but it does not have to.
    3) Clicking Ambassador Workshop causes game to crash. Will be fixed, it's caused by a faulty unit left in the construction menu. No workaround except for not building/clicking on it
    4) Tauren buildable in tier 2. Not intentional and will require t3 instead.
    5) Forest Elder and Stone Skin abilities can be upgraded to max level immediately.Will be fixed

    Update: 0.5c released. Bugs above are fixed.

  • [0.5Beta] Bloodelf vs. NightelfDateSun Nov 15, 2015 2:03 am
    Topic by DarcReaver. Forum: Replays - 1v1

    Myself playing against orang_000. A bit onesided but I hope its fun to watch.

    To watch put the map download and unpack the .zip file attached to this post. You can do that if you registered in the forum. Then put the map ((6)TBCForgottenPools0.50CbetaR.w3x) into your download folder (if you don't have it already) in "warcraft3/maps/download" and save the replay (Replay_2015_11_15_0159.w3g)[/blue]in your "Warcraft 3/replay" folder. Then you can watch the replay.

  • News about 0.4DateMon Jul 14, 2014 3:38 pm
    Topic by DarcReaver. Forum: Announcements

    Oh well,

    it's gone quiet around here.

    Originally, I've had planned to release 0.4 seperately with some design changes and new units for Bloodelves and Fel Orcs before introducing Naga in 0.5. However, there was a lack of ideas for replacing some "underused" abilities/heroes/units, and some unfitting stuff which didn't play out too well gameplay wise. So, the whole design progress was halted, and it took some time to get some ideas for new features to imrpove the overall game (afterall, it's still an early alpha.)

    So, the thing is up running again and I'm here to give you some news about the upcoming 0.4 release of TBC.

    First thing: Both Fel Orcs and Bloodelves receive some (more or less) general overhaul regarding their unit pools. Also,
    there are various new upgrades which replace some old upgrades to work more in line like I originally intended them to work.

    Point 1: Base defense mechanics.

    As you know every race uses its own form of early base defense. Humans have militia, Undead have ghouls/early towers, nightelves got their punching trees and Orcs have their burrows. And well... Bloodelves have nothing apart from building early towers. At least nothing until now!

    For a small investment in gold and lumber you can activate a mana shield ability for your workers, making them immune against damage taken from enemy attacks. At least as long as they have mana ;)

    Point 2: Pyromancers

    The second larger revamp revolves around the Pyromancer. In the current build 0.3 his abilities are pretty standard and do not really fit a magician adept at using flames. However, this will change with 0.4! The Pyromancer receives a new kit which better reflects his role as main spellcaster (just like human sorceresses and nightelf druid of the claw for example).

    Now he'll be able to use different abilities:

    Firebolt (autocast) - deal bonus splash damage with auto attacks while draining mana with each attack.
    Sunstrike - the Pyromancer channels magical flames around an enemy unit, dealing damage and making it unable to move or attack.
    Warmth (autocast) - Warmth increases a friendly unit's mana regeneration significantly.

    Sunstrike and Warmth require Adept/Master training of course.

    So, here's how that stuff looks like ingame:

    Point 3: Fel Orc Heroes

    Oh boy, here we go... Fel Orc heroes. Overall the Fel Orc heroes already had a unique touch in certain areas, but in others they simply lacked originality. That's why I decided to revamp the heroes. Some more, others less. This topic isn't 100% finished, so there might be changes in the near future. But for now, this is the state of the art:

    The Wicked Blademaster is gone. But don't be sad, he got a better replacement:

    The Black Valkyrie:

    This new hero is a mobile, ranged assassin utilizing fel magic to cripple enemy units. She's very good when combined with Mosher armies earlygame, as her cripple helps out a lot in reaching and killing those pesky archer units that usually slaughter them. Also, because of being a ranged hero it's easier to kill off enemy units in general.

    The former Kodo Beastmaster has been reworked also. He is now known as Warchief . So, What does that mean?

    instead of being the usual one-trick-pony, he now is a true battle leader for all Fel Orcs. He can send them into battle with 'Killing Command', has 'Battle Drums' to put all allies in a bloodfrenzy like he used to. He also still has Barbed Skin to protect himself from damage. His ultimate is now 'The Hand of the Warchief', which summons two Ravagers into combat. They deal very high amounts of damage and are immune to spells.

    The former Outrider is now known as 'Enforcer'. Apart from some changes to the way his ultimate works there are no changes to him.

    There are plenty of other, more subtle changes to the existing races which I'll cover in a videocast in the nearer future.

    Also, the Naga are still being worked on, I'm currently working on the unit compositions for each tier building and tweaking hero abilities aswell as fixing bugs. Stay tuned, as soon as I think the Naga are ready enough to show off something, I'll create a small gameplay video.

    For now, these screens will have to be enough for you:


  • [0.3c]BuglistDateTue Oct 29, 2013 1:17 am

    Report any bugs you notice in this thread please :)

    Known Bugs so far:

    - Bloodelf Windweaver uses his Whistling Bow Multishot from the start (should require t2 Whistling Arrows upgrade)

  • [0.3c]Funny 3v3 matchDateSat Oct 26, 2013 4:36 pm
    Topic by DarcReaver. Forum: Replays - 3v3+

    A fun match on Gnoll Wood.

  • Version o.3cDateTue Oct 22, 2013 4:48 pm
    Topic by DarcReaver. Forum: Changelog

    o.3c Changelog


    - fixed Fel Stalker not being classified as undead/demon
    - Vindicator and Winged Serpent now have correct mana shields (they were switched)
    - fixed error with pillage aura description
    - fixed pillage aura resource stealing not working properly
    - fixed a buggy trigger that caused the game to lag under certain circumstances


    - Priestess of the Sun now larger
    - Arcane Blast uses an own unique FX now
    - applied new missile for Slayer Cultists
    - Chaos invoked units now appear less red
    - lowered Fel Orc unit size slightly
    - Human Spellbreakers, Priests and Sorceresses use their High Elf skin versions now

    Game Design:

    - new unit: Duskblade Crusader: magically talented Swordsman. Can initially use Nether Blade, which adds bonus attack damage. Can also learn Spell Steal and Anti Magic Shell.
    - new Item: Staff of Void, summons a Voidwalker. 3 Charges, costs 150g.
    - changed Wand of Mana stealing: Now has 4 charges, costs 140g in t1
    - removed Replenishment potion from Bloodelf shop
    - Slayer cultists are now available with Dimension Portal instead of Demon Gate
    - Changed Wicked Blademaster main attribute to Strength and stats to 25/14/19 (from 19/15/22
    - removed Unholy Army from Eredar Warlock, replaced with Dimension Portal. Spawns a Bloodfiend every 7 seconds
    - reworked Curse of Sargeras - now applies 40% movement slow and -3 armour to enemy units
    - removed taunt from Kodo Beastmaster, and replaced with War Stomp: lowers enemy moving and attackspeed while dealing damage to surrounding units
    - removed Endless Rage from Moshers & Axethrower



    - Restauration now heals over 3s (from 5s) and damages enemy undead units over 3s, too (from instant nuke), lowered mana cost to 60
    - lowered Windweaver cost to 155g/15w (from 185g/15w), lowered buildtime to 27s (from 29s)
    - lowered Defender cost to 175g/30w (from 215g/30w)
    - increased Vindicator health to 820 (from 770)
    - lowered Pyromancer HP to 290 (from 315), increased cost to 145/30 (from 135/30)
    - lowered sunseeker gold cost to 145 (from 170)
    - Lowered Arcane Splittering miss chance to 33% (from 50%)
    - lowered Vindicator base Armour to 2 (from 4)
    - increased Winged Serpent lvl to 5 (from 4)
    - lowered dmg of Farstrider slightly, changed basic attackspeed slightly
    - arcane arrows now deal 10/18/26 bonus damage (from 10/15/20)
    - changed Arcane Blast damage to 60/120/180 (from 100/125/150), increased ultimate version damage to 90/180/270 (from 120/180/240), lowered mana cost to 85 (from 95)
    - Increased Winged Serpent level to 5 (from 4)
    - lowered Winged serpent's attackspeed to 2.35 (from 2.15)
    - changed armourtype of Sentry Towers to 5 heavy armour (from 1 fortified), lowered cost to 100g/30w (from 120g/40w)

    Fel Orc

    - lowered defiled Healing scroll gold cost to 150 (from 200)
    - increased slam damage by 20%, lowered cooldown to 10s (from 13s)
    - lowered Ensnare mana cost to 45 (from 75), reduced cooldown to 7s (from 12/10/8)
    - increased battle drums mana cost to 90 (from 75)
    - Marauder base armour 2 (from 1)
    - lowered Bloodthirst lifesteal to 20% (from 30%)
    - lowered Black crossbow damage output
    - lowered slayer cultist Hitpoints to 560, lowered starting armour to 0 (from 1)
    - increased mosher cost to 170g (from 160)


  • [0.3c] ChangelogDateTue Oct 22, 2013 8:22 am


    - fixed Fel Stalker not being classified as undead/demon
    - Vindicator and Winged Serpent now have correct mana shields (they were switched)
    - fixed error with pillage aura description
    - fixed pillage aura resource stealing not working properly
    - fixed a buggy trigger that caused the game to lag under certain circumstances

    - Priestess of the Sun now larger
    - Arcane Blast uses an own unique FX now
    - applied new missile for Slayer Cultists
    - Chaos invoked units now appear less red
    - lowered Fel Orc unit size slightly
    - Human Spellbreakers, Priests and Sorceresses use their High Elf skin versions now

    Game Design:

    - new unit: Duskblade Crusader: magically talented Swordsman. Can initially use Nether Blade, which adds bonus attack damage. Can also learn Spell Steal and Anti Magic Shell.
    - new Item: Staff of Void, summons a Voidwalker. 3 Charges, costs 150g.
    - changed Wand of Mana stealing: Now has 4 charges, costs 140g in t1
    - removed Replenishment potion from Bloodelf shop
    - Slayer cultists are now available with Dimension Portal instead of Demon Gate
    - Changed Wicked Blademaster main attribute to Strength and stats to 25/14/19 (from 19/15/22
    - removed Unholy Army from Eredar Warlock, replaced with Dimension Portal. Spawns a Bloodfiend every 7 seconds
    - reworked Curse of Sargeras - now applies 40% movement slow and -3 armour to enemy units
    - removed taunt from Kodo Beastmaster, and replaced with War Stomp: lowers enemy moving and attackspeed while dealing damage to surrounding units
    - removed Endless Rage from Moshers & Axethrower



    - Restauration now heals over 3s (from 5s) and damages enemy undead units over 3s, too (from instant nuke), lowered mana cost to 60
    - lowered Windweaver cost to 155g/15w (from 185g/15w), lowered buildtime to 27s (from 29s)
    - lowered Defender cost to 175g/30w (from 215g/30w)
    - increased Vindicator health to 820 (from 770)
    - lowered Pyromancer HP to 290 (from 315), increased cost to 145/30 (from 135/30)
    - lowered sunseeker gold cost to 145 (from 170)
    - Lowered Arcane Splittering miss chance to 33% (from 50%)
    - lowered Vindicator base Armour to 2 (from 4)
    - increased Winged Serpent lvl to 5 (from 4)
    - lowered dmg of Farstrider slightly, changed basic attackspeed slightly
    - arcane arrows now deal 10/18/26 bonus damage (from 10/15/20)
    - changed Arcane Blast damage to 60/120/180 (from 100/125/150), increased ultimate version damage to 90/180/270 (from 120/180/240), lowered mana cost to 85 (from 95)
    - Increased Winged Serpent level to 5 (from 4)
    - lowered Winged serpent's attackspeed to 2.35 (from 2.15)
    - changed armourtype of Sentry Towers to 5 heavy armour (from 1 fortified), lowered cost to 100g/30w (from 120g/40w)

    Fel Orc

    - lowered defiled Healing scroll gold cost to 150 (from 200)
    - increased slam damage by 20%, lowered cooldown to 10s (from 13s)
    - lowered Ensnare mana cost to 45 (from 75), reduced cooldown to 7s (from 12/10/8)
    - increased battle drums mana cost to 90 (from 75)
    - Marauder base armour 2 (from 1)
    - lowered Bloodthirst lifesteal to 20% (from 30%)
    - lowered Black crossbow damage output
    - lowered slayer cultist Hitpoints to 560, lowered starting armour to 0 (from 1)
    - increased mosher cost to 170g (from 160)

  • 0.4 is coming!DateSun Oct 06, 2013 9:26 pm
    Topic by DarcReaver. Forum: Announcements

    Hello everyone,

    I just want to message you that version 0.4 is on its way to the public. It will include the new Naga faction and feature additional maps. Before it will be released to the public it has to be thoroughly tested, though.


  • Fel Orc building & unit guideDateWed Mar 20, 2013 4:53 pm
    Topic by DarcReaver. Forum: Dimension Portal

    Tier 1:

    Dark Portal

    Upgrades to: Dimension Gate, Demon Gate
    Upgrades available: Backpack, Chaos Rising
    Trains: Fel Peon, Hellbourne

    Main building. Fel Peons can return Gold and Lumber to it. Also trains Hellbourne demons.


    Upgrades available: Endless Rage, Fiendish Hounds
    Trains: Mosher, Marauder, Slayer Cultist

    Basic troop production building. Fel Peons can return lumber here.

    Pig Farm

    Produces food. Fel Peons can return lumber here.


    Upgrades available: Steel Weapons, Steel Armour, Chaotic Attack, Chaotic Carapace, Defensive Measures

    Upgrades weapons and armour for Fel orc units and buildings. Requirement for some upgrades and abilities.

    Fel Tower

    upgrades to: Fel Guard Tower

    Basic defensive building. Uses crippling magic to reduce enemy unit's attack- and movementspeed.

    Fel Tower

    upgrades to: Fel Guard Tower

    Advanced defensive building. Uses crippling magic to reduce enemy unit's attack- and movementspeed and attacks land and air units.


    Units available: Bloodknight, Farstrider, Priestess of the Sun, Arcane Mage

    Trains and revives heroes.

    Treasure Vault

    Buildable shop. Contains various items depending on your tech level.

    Tier 2


    Trains: Infernal Cannons

    Siege Workshop.

    Cultist Circle

    Upgrades available: Warlock Adept Training, Rogue Shaman Adept Training
    Trains: Warlock, Rogue Shaman

    Advanced production building, produces Fel Orc spellcasters.

    Black Dragon Roost

    Upgrades available: Burning Breath
    Trains: Swifter, Black Dragon

    Flyer building. Trains Swifters, which act as anti air and Black Dragons, a heavy air unit.

  • Bloodelf Building & unit guideDateWed Mar 20, 2013 4:10 pm


    Tier 1:

    Arcane Sanctuary

    Upgrades to: Sin'dorei Sanctuary, Sun's Pride Sanctuary
    Upgrades available: Backpack
    Trains: Carpenter

    Main building. Carpenters can return Gold and Lumber to it.


    Upgrades available: Whistling Bows, Defensive Training, Avenger's Shield, Arcane Glaives
    Trains: Windweaver, Defender, Vindicator

    Basic troop production building.


    Produces food.


    Upgrades available: Enchanted Swords, Enchanted Armour, Enchanted Arrows

    Upgrades weapons and armour for Bloodelf units. Requirement for some upgrades and abilities.


    Units available: Bloodknight, Farstrider, Priestess of the Sun, Arcane Mage

    Trains and revives heroes.

    Sentry Tower

    Upgrades to: Arcane Tower

    basic Base defense. Attacks with a magical missile which bounces upon 2 enemies.


    Upgrades available: Improved Lumber harvesting
    Trains: Ballistas

    Siege workshop and lumber camp.

    Arcane Vault

    Buildable shop. Contains various items depending on your tech level.

    Tier 2

    Sanctuary of the Sun

    Upgrades available: Sunseeker Adept Training, Pyromancer Adept Training, Supression Fire
    Trains: Sunseeker, Pyromancer, Sunstrider

    Advanced production building, produces main spellcasters and Sunstriders, a magical archer unit.

    Sanctuary of the Moon

    Upgrades available: Duskblade Summoner Adept Training, Duskblade Crusader Adept Training
    Trains: Duskblade Crusader, Duskblade Summoner.

    Advanced production building, produces supportive and counterspellcasters.

    Tier 3:

    Dragonhawk Aviary

    Upgrades available: Winged Serpent Adept Training
    Trains: Winged Serpents

    Flyer building. Trains Winged Serpents, which act as anti air and heavy air support.

  • [0.3a] Work in progress ChangelogDateWed Mar 20, 2013 12:17 am




    - new Item: Void Staff, enables the hero to summon a Voidwraith. Voidwraiths have 380hp and deal 17-21 damage. 150g, 3 Charges.
    - new unit: Duskblade Crusader: magically enhanced Swordsman. Can cast netherblade, which deals donus damage on attacks. Can also learn Anti magic shell and spellsteal.
    - Vindicator and Winged Serpent now have correct mana shields (they were switched)
    - Priestess of the Sun now larger
    - lowered Windweaver cost to 175g/15w (from 185g/15w), lowered buildtime to 27s (from 29s), increased armour to 3 (from 1)
    - lowered Defender cost to 195g/30w (from 215g/30w), increased hitpoints to 540 (from 520)
    - lowered Sunstrider gold cost to 195g (from 215g)
    - increased Winged Serpent health to 675hp (from 575)
    - lowered Pyromancer HP to 290 (from 315), increased cost to 165/30 (fro 155/30)
    - Restauration now heals over 3s (from 5s) and damages enemy undead units over 3s, too (from instant nuke), lowered mana cost to 60
    - changed Arcane Blast damage to 60/120/180 (from 100/125/150), increased ulti damage to 90/180/270 (from 120/180/240), lowered mana cost to 85 (from 95)
    - Increased Winged Serpent level to 5 (from 4)
    - lowered Vindicator base Armour to 2 (from 4)
    - lowered dmg of Farstrider
    - lowered sunseeker gold cost to 145 (from 170)
    - Lowered Arcane Splittering miss chance to 33% (from 50%)
    - increased Winged Serpent lvl to 5 (from 4)
    - lowered Winged serpent's attackspeed to 2.35 (from 2.15)
    - lowered Polymorph casting range to 600/800 (pre/after lvl 6)
    - removed armourtype change from defensive training, reduced cost to 125g/100w (from 200g/125w)

    Fel Orcs

    - lowered defiled Healing scroll gold cost to 150 (from 200)
    - Changed Wicked Blademaster stats to 25/14/19 (from 19/15/22
    - removed Unholy Army from Eredar Warlock, replaced with Dimension Portal. Spawns a Bloodfiend every 7 seconds
    - reworked Curse of Sargeras - now applies 40% movement slow and -3 armour to enemy units
    - changed armourtype of Sentry Towers to 5 heavy armour (from 1 fortified), lowered cost to 100g/30w (from 120g/40w)
    - increased slam damage by 20%, lowered cooldown to 10s (from 13s)
    - lowered Ensnare mana cost to 55 (from 75), reduced cooldown to 7s (from 12/10/8)
    - Marauder base armour 2 (from 1)
    - lowered Bloodthirst lifesteal to 20% (from 30%)
    - removed Endless Rage from Moshers & Axethrowers
    - lowered black crossbow damage output
    - lowered slayer cultist Hitpoints to 560, lowered starting armour to 0 (from 1)
    - increased mosher cost to 170g (from 160)
    - lowered Hellbourne hitpoints to 1450 (from 1500), lowered Hellbourne base armour to 3 (from 5), cost now 345g/110w (from 325g/80w)
    - removed silence effect from Demonic Purge
    - Increased Battle Drum's mana cost to 105 (from 75)
    - Lowered Black Dragon splash damage by 20% and reduced splash damage radius slightly, increased ignited ground to match splash damage radius

  • [0.3]Bloodelf Mirror on Sunken TempleDateThu Mar 14, 2013 6:22 am
    Topic by DarcReaver. Forum: Replays - 1v1

    Quite a gg. Mass air vs. Mass air, at least until I started using my gold for fully upgraded Windweavers ;)

  • Version 0.3DateWed Mar 13, 2013 11:50 pm
    Topic by DarcReaver. Forum: Changelog



    Eversong Woods:

    - Replaced Goblin Laboratories with Mana/Health Fountains (50/50 chance),
    - added new critter type
    - introduced a new creep type/Mercenary unit (which one is a secret, test it out yourself )
    - replaced Golem spot with new creep types, they have a chance to drop lvl 4 charged & lvl2 charged items

    Bloodwater Oasis:

    - removed some trees to make attacking the first expansions easier
    - removed some unnecessary/weird placed torches

    Forgotten Pools:

    - unfortunately I had to remove the map due to severe bugs.

    Bugfixes & Graphics:

    - new color for mapselection, now a bright yellow tone
    - fixed missing icons on several maps
    - fixedmissing Orc Bunker model on Gnoll Wood, Thunder Lake, Slalom, Eversong Wods, Devils Cauldron, Sunken Temple and Forgotten Pools
    - updated Triggers for better performance
    - added missing 2nd charge on Defiled Healscroll
    - fixed a bug resulting in Sunstriders getting a wrong armourtype after using Suppression Fire
    - fixed static HP of Dimension & Demon Gate - now properly get 400 bonus hitpoints per upgrade
    - fixed a bug which caused Whistling Bows to selfdamage the Windweaver on weapon upgrade
    - fixed missing cooldown on mana scrolls
    - added demonic blood to Chaos Slayer Cultist
    - reworked some tooltips
    - new icons for Arcane Splittering, Multi Shot abilities, Spell Resistance
    - new FX for Battle Positions, Arcane Splittering and Winged Serpent basic attacks
    - fixed Windweaver cost after Defensive Training has been researched
    - replaced Mosher Axethrower model Upgrade
    - adjusted Cultist Circle model, looks now more ... evil ^^



    - removed speed build from Bloodelves - using more than 1 Worker will have no effect on building speed anymore
    - Bloodknight Prayer mana drain incrased to 7 mana (from 5), heals every 2.2s (from 2.0s)
    - Increased Defender Hitpoints to 520 (from 505)
    - Increased Vindicator Hitpoints to 770 (from 720)
    - lowered Avenger's Shield cost t0 75g/75w (from 50g/100w), lowered research time to 32s (from 40s)
    - Increased Avenger's Shield armourbonus to 3 (from 2)
    - lowered Defensive Training cost to 200g/120w (from 200g/200w)
    - lowered Whistling Bows' attackspeed bonus to 15% (from 20%)
    - lowered Windweaver damage to 17-21 (from 17-23), lowered attackdamage scaling slightly
    - changed Enchanted armour lumbercost to 75/200/325 (from 100/200/300)
    - Arcane Glaives now cost 100g/125w (from 150g/100w)
    - lowered Arcane Blast manacost to 95 (from 110)
    - increased banish time to 12-15-18/16-22-28 (before ulti/after ulti)
    - lowered Polymorph mana cost to 70 (from 85)
    - lowered Suppression Fire range bonus to 120 (from 150) - total 720 range now
    - lowered Marksmanship bonus agility to 7 (from 10), lowered critical damage to 1.5 (from 2)
    - Added new unit: Pyromancer; trainable in Sanctuary of the Sun, requires tier 2. Initially can autocast Firebolts, which deal splash magic damage on hit. Can also learn Feedback and Flamestrike.
    - Reworked Sunseeker: replaced feedback with phoenix morph. Can be transformed in a Phoenix with a magic attack. The Phoenix burns so intensively that he burns himself. When dying he transforms back in a Phoenix egg and will respawn after a short period of time.
    - lowered Duskblade Summoner cost to 155g/20w (from 185g/30g)
    - Arcane Splittering now useable on ground and air units (from air units only)

    Fel Orcs

    - reworked Orc Base defenses: Moved Crippling ability from mainhall to Fel Towers.
    - New Building: Fel Tower, replaces the Fel Guard Towers. Has no initial attack but can slow enemy unit's movement/attackspeed. Can be upgraded to a Fel Guard Tower.
    - New Upgrade: Fel Guard Tower, enables the Fel Tower to attack enemy units. Cost : 120g/40w, requires an Armoury
    - Outrider: replaced Shock wave ability with "Savage Hound". This ability summons a Fel Hound/Fel Stalker/Fel Beast with 350/475/600 hitpoints and 15-18/20-27/28-37 pierce damage. The Summon has 300 range. Costs 75 mana, has 20s cooldown and lasts for 50s. Several Hounds may be summoned at the same time.
    - Hellbourne got no splash damage anymore
    - increased animate Dead skill recharge to 15s (from 2s), reduced duration to 40s (from 45s). Revives one corpse (from 2), lowered Manacost to 150 (from 175)
    - iowered healingtime of Defiled Healing to 30s (from 45s)
    - increased Mosher HP to 655 (from 600), lowered buildtime to 27s (from 29s)
    - increased Swifter HP to 485 (from 435)
    - lowered Marauder Buildtime to 27s (from 29s)
    - increased Marauder speed to 360 (from 350)
    - lowered Mosher damage to 17-21 (from 20-24)
    - Chaos Marauder and Chaos Mosher now consume 4 food (from 3)
    - Increased Outrider speed to 360 (from 320), increased Marauder chaos damage to 19 (from 17)
    - lowered armoury cost to 160g/30w (from 160g/40w)
    - normalized Fel Orc t2 building costs
    - lowered Moshpit Lumbercost to 45w (from 50)
    - lowered Slayer Cultist damage/chaos damage to 26/26 (from 28/30)
    - renamed Bunker to Treasure Vault to avoid confusion for new players. It's no Defensive building afterall

  • [0.5e]Map BugsDateSat Mar 09, 2013 7:25 pm
    Topic by DarcReaver. Forum: Maps Discussion

    Hello everyone,

    as you maybe know sometimes errors sneak into single maps. This mostly happens newly added maps, and is caused by missing icons or a wrong model path. Since every map has to get around 120 imported icons and models errors happen when porting a map to support TBC.

    I'd appreciate if you could post here if you find any map related bugs ("green" icons, missing unit missiles etc.)


    Edit: Update for 0.5e. Right now I haven't noticed anything yet.

  • 0.2e Included MapsDateSat Mar 09, 2013 7:22 pm
    Topic by DarcReaver. Forum: Maps Discussion

    The current TBC mappool consists of 14 maps:

    - Eversong Woods
    - Bloodwater Oasis
    - Secret Valley
    - Echo Isles

    - Devil's Cauldron (2v2)
    - Twisted Meadows (2v2)
    - Sunken Temple (2v2)
    - Turtle Rock (2v2)

    - Bloodstone Mesa
    - Forgotten Pools
    - Gnollwood
    - Thunderlake
    - Timbermaw Hold

    - Slalom

  • Replay submission rulesDateSat Mar 09, 2013 7:17 pm
    Topic by DarcReaver. Forum: Replays - 2v2


    the guideline about how to post replays is quite simple:

    Before you submit a replay, make sure you have followed these instructions:

    1) Put the replay(s) you want to show us in a .zip folder before uploading them here. You can find your replays under "c:/program files/Warcraft III/replay".

    2) Create a new topic for your replay or replay pack. Topic name should include:

    - the game version & map name
    - your nickname
    - your opponent's nickname
    - your race
    - enemy race

    Example: "(0.2e) dArCReAvEr(Bloodelf) vs. Testuser (FelOrc) on TR"

    3) Inside post a small description, including used strategies, or reasons why it could be interesting to watch this replay.

    Example: "After having a hard earlygame against a massive Defenderspam I managed to come back by utilizing a Firelord with Swifters. But still my enemy had the upper hand. Close, intense micro fights until the very end. You want to know who won? Check out the game!"

    4) Use the Warcraft III replay name function ingame. Having lots of people submitting their "lastReplays.w3r" will cause chaos if you want to watch the replays.

    This makes submissions easier to understand.


  • Fel Orc RaidrushDateFri Mar 08, 2013 9:39 am
    Topic by DarcReaver. Forum: Dimension Portal

    Harassment Build: (useful vs. Nightelf, Human, Undead Fiend players and ranged unit builds in general)

    Aim is to quickly engage your enemy in combat with hit and run tactics while teching up yourself to finish off your weakened opponent. Marauders are particularely useful for this task because of their high resilience to pierce attacks and their normal/chaos damage (after chaos invocation). This enables you to efficiently raid enemy camps even very early in the game.


    - send start peons in goldmine

    - train

    - build

    - train

    - build

    - build near trees

    - build

    - send peons to chop lumber

    - train

    - train

    - build

    - train

    - build tech up, after that get units suiting your strategy.

    - if necessary, build more for harvesting lumber. Don't forget that you can store lumber in Moshpits and Pig Farms, too!


    - use marauders + Outrider ensnare to quickly kill archers, riflemen and workers with focus + surrounds

    - buy a sacrificial skull to create Blight near the enemy base, so you can regenerate while attacking. This is especially useful when raiding nightelf camps

    - If your enemy towers up you already have an advantage. Use it by teching up to t3 quickly or to build an expansion on t2

    - if your enemy also fasttechs make sure you get either or tech ensnare for your Marauders - it's autocast and useful for killing enemy air units

    When to use

    - if your enemy is not in his base, use Chaos Invocation to quickly raid buildings, especially after the Outrider has his aura - you get ressources for raiding buildings.

    - if your enemy fields larger amounts of non-archer units, like Footmen, Grunts, Huntresses, basically every unit which has no armourtype "medium", use Chaos Invocation to increase your damage output. Chaos Invocation grants attackspeed, bonus damage and bonus life regeneration. You should keep in mind that the unit cannot be transformed back and will not profit from armoury techs anymore.

    - You should not try to engage larger amounts of Huntresses with Marauders. Their medium armour makes them weak against the bouncing attacks and their damage output is pretty low compared to hunts. You should switch to building Moshers and upgrading them into Axe Throwers instead

    Possible 2nd Heroes

    - if you're playing against Orcs, Bloodelves or Human:

    The Wicked Blademaster excels at nuking units, and prevents them from running away. The combination of Ensnare + Slam + focus fire will kill every unit in a matter of seconds.
    Warlocks add some nice AoE damage potencial, and Rotten Ancestors are very good for pushing in t2. Also you can use them for parallel creeping easily.

    - if playing against undead, Nightelves:

    Nightelves and undeads lack stun spells, so Battle Drums are especially useful. This increases your damage potential massively since it will not be interrupted, unless your enemy uses neutral heroes with stun and Silences.
    Also, the Wicked Blademaster can be useful for nuking down units like Talons, Fiends and Ghouls.

    Further unit options for mid and lategame:

    - if you're playing against Orcs, Bloodelves or Human:

    Orcs, Bloodelves and Human can be taken on by using Warlocks, Black Dragons and Hellbournes. Clever usage of Demonic Purge will silence enemy spellcasters, Hellbournes are the weapon of choice against Riflemen, footmen, Windweavers, Raiders and Headhunters. Additionally, you can also use Shamans to improve your melee warrior performance.

    - if playing against undead, Nightelves:

    Use and you can win easily. Slayer Cultists have extremely high damage output and can dominate Dryads, Hunts, chimairas, Destroyers and kill low hp units quickly, which makes them perfect for fighting those races.

    Have fun using it :)

  • Bloodelf BuildordersDateThu Mar 07, 2013 11:55 pm

    Fast Defenders + Bloodknight (good vs. Orc, Fel Orc, Undead. Also useful vs. Pala/mk+rifler and Archer spamming nightelves)

    - send starting carpenters to mine gold

    - train

    - build

    - train

    - build

    - build

    - Train

    - build

    - train

    - After ~30-35supply tech t2

    There you have 3 options:

    Option 1:

    - build

    - train

    - Duskblade Summoners increase your combat power drastically

    - they add pushing power with their summons

    - enables you to fight most other t1-t2 units head on

    - optionally you can build an expansion

    Option 2:

    - build

    - train

    - Sunseekers make enemy units a lot weaker

    - they can destroy mana from enemy spellcasters

    - you have the option to add Sunstriders as t3 units to fight air units and melee

    - most suited to fight against mass ranged armies like mass hunts, mass Archers/Riflers etc.

    - optionally you can build an expansion

    Option 3:

    - fasttech to

    - build 2nd and

    - pump out

    - It's incredibly important to tech and !

    This upgrade makes your Defenders even tougher than they are by default. These two upgrades give you around 30% more combat efficiency compared to normal Defenders. Additionally you're able to field medium armoured Windweavers if you're in trouble against Orc air or mass dryad strategies if you don't plan to tech to t3 instantly.

    2. Windweaver build (works well vs. Huntress NE players, Human and Orc. Also can work against Ghoulrushing UD)

    - send starting carpenters to mine gold

    - train

    - build

    - build

    - build

    - train

    - train

    - build

    - train

    - get to profit from medium armour against pierce damage spammer

    Hero choices:

    - If you're confident you may also try (works best vs. Orc)

    After that you may straight tech to for Whistling Bows, or you can try to stay t2 and expand with Duskblade Summoners. If you're playing against ranged armies it's best to rush t2 for getting their armourtype change.

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