Tier 1:
Dark Portal
Upgrades to: Dimension Gate, Demon Gate
Upgrades available: Backpack, Chaos Rising
Trains: Fel Peon, Hellbourne
Main building. Fel Peons can return Gold and Lumber to it. Also trains Hellbourne demons.
Upgrades available: Endless Rage, Fiendish Hounds
Trains: Mosher, Marauder, Slayer Cultist
Basic troop production building. Fel Peons can return lumber here.
Pig Farm
Produces food. Fel Peons can return lumber here.
Upgrades available: Steel Weapons, Steel Armour, Chaotic Attack, Chaotic Carapace, Defensive Measures
Upgrades weapons and armour for Fel orc units and buildings. Requirement for some upgrades and abilities.
Fel Tower
upgrades to: Fel Guard Tower
Basic defensive building. Uses crippling magic to reduce enemy unit's attack- and movementspeed.
Fel Tower
upgrades to: Fel Guard Tower
Advanced defensive building. Uses crippling magic to reduce enemy unit's attack- and movementspeed and attacks land and air units.
Units available: Bloodknight, Farstrider, Priestess of the Sun, Arcane Mage
Trains and revives heroes.
Treasure Vault
Buildable shop. Contains various items depending on your tech level.
Tier 2ShredderTrains: Infernal Cannons
Siege Workshop.
Cultist CircleUpgrades available: Warlock Adept Training, Rogue Shaman Adept Training
Trains: Warlock, Rogue Shaman
Advanced production building, produces Fel Orc spellcasters.
Black Dragon RoostUpgrades available: Burning Breath
Trains: Swifter, Black Dragon
Flyer building. Trains Swifters, which act as anti air and Black Dragons, a heavy air unit.